St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)

March 11, THE ST. JOSEPH NEWS-PRESS. 15 MUTT AND JEFF -By Bud Fisher Trade (Copyright, Mark 1925, Reg. U. S.


Famous Paris Designers Announce Creations for Teas and Dances. CHICAGO, March And now the latest fashion song is the Clock in Pajamas." For there are- pajamas in Which to cook the ham an', pajamas for dash to the corner grocery and still more- -lounging pajamas, beach pajamas, co*cktail, dance, dinner and evening pajamas, as well as the substitute for the traditional nightgown. This new style note is sponsored by mighty names in the realm of design -Worth, Chanel, Molyneaux, Vionnet, Schiaparelli, Mainboucher and others and charming are the models that are coming from Paris. Started In Europe. Pajamas are no longer merely coveralls in which to rest.

the weary bones. They have come out of the boudoir, and are going places -to teas, the theater, dinners. The fad began in smart European resorts. It her day's program brings friends in for early afternoon bridge, the hostess' costume will be trump if it resembles one creation seen on display. It WAS a threepiece heavy crepe silk bridge set, the trousers and blouse of which were a tapestry, a new.

shade of American beauty. It had a wing sleeved coatee of rose dawn, lined with tapestry. Next our heroine may wish to to the beach. If she is of the vintage that goes to sea to see and be seen, there are the beach pajamas, which established their popularity at Palm Beach this season. They are fashioned in pastel linens, flowered and printed cretonnes.

Tea Pajamas Sedate. Then the shadows lengthen comes the hour for co*cktail, tea and hostess pajamas. co*cktail paJamas are saucy. model just unpacked was a one-piece lipstick red crepe with intervals of accordion pleats on the voluminous an(cle-length trousers. It flaunted the new cap sleeves.

Tea pajamas are more sedate. Hostess pajamas may be made of lace or chiffon. Quite frequently they have flowing sleeves. It is the little touches, such as treatment of the neckline or the fit of the bodice that differentiates them from negligees, and there is a subtle distinelion between pajamas that stay at home and the tea pajama that gads. Back Shirt on Frock.

As the hours pass come the reign the dance, evening and dinner pajamas. These are best described py saying they are gowns with divided skirts. The dinner pajama, with the dinner dress, is less formai than the evening pajama. The dance frocks are youthful, leaving sophistication to the other. The newest note is the back skirt on the dance frock.

When the wearer approaches she is in palamas; when she retreata she is in dress. As in the cases of dresses and gown, jackets from the caton jackat to the close-fitting peplum, are much in evidence. PROBLEMS ON ISLAND Filipinos Worry Over Mindanao, Their Second Largest. Japanese Have Almost Monopolized Trade- -Moros Still Troublesome. ZAMBOANGA, Mindanao, PhilipIne Islands, March 45 This sland of Mindanao, second largest ind one of the richest in the archielago, holds within its shores some the most pressing problems of Philippine government.

It is the land of the Moros who themselves have always been lomething of a problem. The other wo chief factors in bringing the sland Into prominence are the Japanese and the move In the United States to restrict Filipino Immigration. A few months ago Filemon Perez, ecretary of commerce and comhunications in the Philippine cabiet, and Rafael Alunan, secretary agriculture and natural reources, surveyed the Island and eported to Governor General Dwight F. Davis that the rich Davao hemp district had become irtually a Japanese colony. CAll a Frontier.

The Japanese, they said, have acuired large land holdings, almost honopolized the trade of the disict, and increased in numbers to 2,000 within a few years. The report opened the eyes of Filipinos to the fact that if they id not themselves develop Mindaao, someone else would. The Island da, in fact, something frontier. Potentially it affords wonderful outlet for the develophg Filipino people, but thus far ttle has been done to take advanage of it. It has been figured that If enough Christian Filipinos can be persuadd to take root here, it will help to clieve population pressure in the rowded portions of the archipelao, and at the same time have alutary effect upon the Moro, who as been more or less of a thorn the flesh for 300 years.

Would Assimilate Moro. It. In generally agreed that the est way to settle the Moro probm is to assimilate him or, failing. that, to put so many Filipinos on tindanao that the Moro will be inority factor in numbers and inuence. That would ultimately disose also of the question of Japandomination.

One of the great handicaps of als program is the government's ek of money to carry it out, and ilipino politicians refuse to amend estrictive land laws which make merican capital fear investment the Islands. ACTING WAS REALISTIC. ROANOKE, Va. March J.P.) creams -80. and the realistic sound of were a falling the ody during rehearsal of the WANTS RATES.

Want News- Ads, Press Set and Solid Agate. Gazette, Per Word- daily day combination (with Saturday NewsPress Monday Gazette or Monday News Three-Day Rate- a word off regular rate on ail ada ordered for three consecutive days. Weekly Rate- -1 days for the price Of at the rate of de per word a day. 10 Per Cent Discount for cast in advance. Phone Your Want Ads THE ST.

JOSEPH NEWS PRESS and THE ST. JOBEPH GAZETTE Between 7:30 a. m. and 10 p. (Saturday Night.

10:30.) The following classes of advertising excluded from these columna: CLAIRVOYANT OBJEOTIONABLE PERSONAL UNDESIRABLE MEDICAL QUESTIONABLE FINANCIAL DOUBTFUL MATRIMONIAL, ETC. STRODE COUNCILS Announcements Funeral Directors. Geo. BeGole Frank A. Bowman John Karle HEATON-BEGOLE BOWMAN FUNBRAL HOME (Established 1842) 10th and Sylvanie Phone 6-1782 Ambulance Service Undertakers.

MEIERHOFFER Undertaking Co. Service consideration 13th and 3331. IL O. MORTUARY: 1802 Union street. Telephone 1428.

FLEEMAN 20th at Frederick HOME INC. ave STINGLEY FUNERAL Phone 6-0318 E. R. Sidenfaden attendant: Home 6-5694. Lady.

Died. GEIGER-Anna, aged 15 years, wife of Frank Ge 804 Main died Tuesday at a local hospital. The body was removed to R. Mortuary. where funeral service will be conducted Thursday at o'clock; burial at Ashland Cemetery WELLS- Willard Richard, aged 65 years, passed away at 9:30 m.

Tuesday, March 10 at local hospital. Mr. Wells survived by his widow. Mrs. Luella Wells, 1206 Farnon five sons, Willard Edward, Wichita, Kan; Guy, Cameron.

in George and Millard. St. Joseph: Aus. of Philadelphia, and one daughter, Mrs. Ed Schoff, St.

Joseph, Remains are at Fleeman Funeral Home where services will conducted at 2:30 p. Friday. Mr. Wells was member of the Latter Day Saints Church and the Woodmen of the World, Rev. O.

Salisbury will officiate and burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery. Zola Lee, aged 25 years, passed away at 11:20 Tuesday. March at a local hospital. Mrs. Norris survived by her Huaband, Lee M.

Norris, 6084 Mt. Mora: father, Amos A. Warden, four slaters, RAY Houp, St, Mr. Taylor. Lakeland.

Mrs. W. Tye, Arlington, Mra. J. B.

Lambert, Harwood, one brother, Oscar Warden, Mays: ville, Mo. Remains are at Fleeman Funeral Home where service will be conducted at 2:30 p. m. Rev, C. Klick officiating: burial Memorial Park Cemetery.

Elmira, aged 10 years, passed away at 11:10 m. Tuesday. March 10, at local hospital. Besides the husband, she is survived by a son, Charles. and her parents, Mr.

and Mra. Harvey Stephens, all of Agency. Remaina are at Fleeman Funeral Home and will be taken to the Christian Church at Agency Thuraday where services will be conducted at 3 p. burial Agency Cemetery, Monuments, Cemeteries. ASI LAND CEMETERY- 2324 Choice Ash- lots land boulevard.

Telephone 3923, Florists, AVENUE Frederick ave. Phone 24th 3118. and Societies. SCOTTISH RITE MASONRY The regular pre-reunion and meeting will be held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral Thursday at 6:30 m. Dinner and entertainment.

Claude MadSecretary. Lost and Found. GREY FEMALE CAT 2 old, lost last week in South End. 46 reward. Call 6-5298.

LOST- Black cowhide. traveling bag on Mitchell ave between 33rd and 40th on Mitchell to Jackson on reward, 6-6278W LOST- Lady's gold ring, large blue set. on Lafayette, between Bliss School and 27th Phone 6-3743. Reward. Personals.

BOOKS WANTED Will pay $10 each for good copies following books: Story Country Town. 1863; Tom Sawyer, 1876: Huckleberry, Finn, 1885: 1899; Luck Sister Roaring Carrie, Camp, 1900; McTeague, Little Women. 2-volume set, 1868-1660: Life Frank Grouard, 1894; Pioneer Overland Families of Stage MIs. to California, 1901; court. 1876: also other books.

What have you? Sender, 5845 Central, Kansas City, Mo, Business Personals, BY BUS- Dee Molner $4.85: Rochester $10: Minneapolis, St. Paul, $10.25. Jefferson Transportation Company. I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts contracted by wife. Edna M.

Signed. Sampson. DR. specialist: skin and venereal diseases, piles: Edmond. "Unseen Way," a play to be presented by the Woman's Club, that a police officer rushed in from the street three flights of stairs below.

CANADIAN JOURNALIST DIES Charles Gibbons Well-Known Newspaperman and Author. VICTORIA, British- Columbia, March 11. Charles Harrison Gibbons, Canadian author and newspaper man, died suddenly here yesterday, He was one of the bestknown journalists in the West. From 1900 to 1901 he was editor of the Vancouver Province and sub-sequently of the Vancouver World. He was the author of several books including "'The Sourdough Samaritan" and "The Marble Employment Male Help Wanted, MANAGER WANTED for St.

Joseph office, $50.00 per el to start and bonus rangement. Man mechanically preferred. required. $850 Manager, cash deposit Dept. OH, 112N May Chitago.

CAN PLACE 3 men who have had clerical or retail store experience, about $25.00 weekly. Apply 221 Kirkpatrine bide HAVE OPENING for neat man to take care of established customers in this viList furnished, about $110 per month to start. See Mr. Keeth, Jerome Hotel. 8 to 9.

p. m. YOUNG MAN: references required? unity for advancement. See Mr. Thomas, Hotel Woodland, 1 to tonight.

ATTENTION FORMER VACUUM cleaner. salesmen. your home in in St. Joseph I have wonderful proposition to offer you. Call 6-3040 for appointment.

Salesmen Wanted, WANTED. BALESMAN WITH CAR To take orders and deliver home, necessities on old established route in Platte. Holt, Atchison, Gentry, Davies counties, Steady workers can start earning $35 weekly and Increase rapidly. Hustlers on similar routes do $6,000 annual business. Some lished 30 years.

Reply Immediately giving age, occupation, referenced. Rawleigh Indusatries, Dept. MO-K-75-T, Freeport, Female Help Wanted, HOUSEKEEPER: country, op. wages, permanent job. Pat Murphy.

Hotel Homan, 3081 Felix. Ladies over 21 seara of age for outdoor interviewing department: all year round employment: About $20.00 weekly to start. Call at 221 patrick wanted, modern home. Write 802, News-Press-Gazette. 2 LADIES, with fair education: if you have 2 LADIES, with fair education: if you have had stenographic or public experience it will help you in securing this position.

See Mrs. Keith, 5 to 7. p. 510 Corby Bldg. WANTED Middle aged respectable white woman for.

chamber maid work at hotel. Room, board, fair wages. Address 172. News Press Gazette. HOUSEKEEPER, experienced cook, competent taking sole charge home, references.

Postoffice box 955. Situations Wanted, Male. FOR WORK OF ANY KIND by reliable st. Joseph men, call Salvation Army Corps, 215 8. 5th: 6-7701.

YOUNG MAN wants work on farm. Felding Ballard, Station D. YOUNG MAN, age 18, wants work, experienced in filling station; willing to learn trade: good references; rural. 133N2, YOUNG MAN wants work: anything considered. Phone 7-0502M.

EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN? anything considered. Write 214. Gazette, YOUNG MAN with truck wants work: anything considered. Phone 7-0502M. MARRIED MAN wants Janitor work, experienced with gas or oil heating.

Phone 8048. WHITE COUPLE wants work woman good cook: references. Write 828. News- Press- Gazette. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and handy man wants work, good Phone 6-76643.

626 8. 13th, YOUNG MAN wants farm work or anything considered Phone 7-0916J. YOUNG MEN want work, anything considered. Phone 6-8020 EXPERIENCED MARRIED. MAN wants.

work on a farm or dairy: anything considered. Phone Call Mr. Johnson. Situation Wanted, Female. YOUNG LADY wants housework.

anything considered, references: 6-2517. FAMILY LAUNDRY wanted, references. Phone 6-5588. WOMAN WANTS housework, experienced, Call at garage: 1927 Union. GIRL WANTS housework, or anything considered.

Phone 7-0491, COLORED GIRL wants work; anything considered: 6-1771J. MIDDLE LADY as housekeeper; anything considered. Phone 6-5796W, Gertrude Miller. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK, expert: enced, good references; 1812 Lafayette. YOUNG LADY.

experienced, competent assistant housekeeper. Phone 6-36843. MIDDLE AGED LADY wants work. any. thing considered, reference.

Phone 1-0386. GIRL' TO CARE for children, anytime. references. Call 8651, YOUNG LADY WANTS HOUSEWORK good referencen. Phone 9704.

HOUSEWORK. anything conaidered, 6-1513, Hannah Braden. LADY WANTS HOUSEWORK, OF anything considered, more for bome than wages. Phone 1832. 1000 N.

6th. WOMAN WANTE HOUSEWORK, or anything considered. Phone 6-3474W, ask for MArY, Training Schools, MOLER TRAINED BEAUTY OPERATORS earn big pay. You can. too, after a short.

practical course at Moler'. Write for tree bookiet. Moler College, 810 N. 6th street, St. Louis.

SPECIAL and men COURSE at for reduced womprices on easy terma. Caster's, 711 Francis, SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS Results Prove Superiority Let Us Show You Save Time and Money Dickinson Secretarial School 808 Francis Phone 6-1113 Business Services Moving, Trucking, Storage, HAVE YOUR GOODS packed and stored: freight rates, reduced: boxes and barrels for sale. St. Joseph Transfer Co. HOUSEHOLD GOODS and pianos moved.

packed, stored. Freight rates reduced to California. Brown Transfer Storage Co. FORD DELIVERY hauling. CO.

Light. Phone heavy 6-3363. and JOHNSON- Moving hauling, large truck; help furnished. $2.50 load, city: 6-2581. PITTE TRANSFER Moing.

$3.00 load In city: large truck. Phone 6-3212. CALL KEETON for local, long distance hauling: very load Insured. Call GRAY'S TRANSFER. $2 load, city, help furnished: 6-6049.

Painting. Wallpapering. WALLPAPER FRANCIS 6-0147. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING: 18 years experience. Earl D.

Snyder, 6-8506W: 2517 8. 19th. WALL PAPER, 60 ROLL AND Silver Bond paint. $1.75 408. 8.

6th. MASTER wall paper cleaner: guaranteed: rooms, 50c, up; estimates free: 6-3056W. ROOFING Monthly, PAINTING, payments. REPAIRING. Lee Roofing and Paint Company.

Phone 6-1285. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING A dollar a worth of satisfaction for every one you spend. C. M. Butcher, call 6-3607.

EXPERT PAPER CLEANING, room work positively guaranteed. E. R. Bull 6-8490. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, $1.50 room.

up: 6-1711. PAINTING and papering. monthly payment plan. Call 7-0405. EXPERT WALLPAPER cleaning, $1 room: work guaranteed.

J. R. Mills, 6-4676. TRANSFER Local, long die. tance moving: large trucks.

Call 6-6281. "New Ads" News" A Direct Buying Contact! The savings effected for farmers and fruit growers through co-operative marketing come to you in your OWN buying and selling through the immediate contact achieved through the offers in The Classified Section. Business Services Services Offered. MOTH KILL SERVICE -U. B.

government approved method. Guaranteed vault procBrown Transfer Storage Co. GUARANTEED MOTH ELIMINATION IN furniture, furs, rugs, U. S. government approved method.

Guaranteed vault process. 8t. Joseph Transfer Storage Co. PATIENTS Nervous, mental, paralysis, obstetrical cases. Room, meals and linens with nurse's care: prices very reasonable.

Phone 6-3407. Beauty and Barber Shops. SPECIAL: $12.50 croquinole permanents, $7.50 oft steam permanents $3. Licensed operatore. Mary Loulse Shop, 513 Felix, 6-1512.

WAVES. $2.50, Up. Cas. Permanent 711 Francis: 4489. Cleaning, Dyeing, Laundering.

WASHINGS AND. IRONINGS wanted, Call AL 722 8. 21st. Insurance. LIABILITY, property damage, Insurance on your car, $14 per year, up.

Phone 5910. Carpet Cleaning, Rugs. DU-RITE Carpet Cleaners, New equipment and methods: 817 S. 9th. Phone 6-2445.

STUEBNER CLEANERS, established 1887. Rugs and carpets cleaned by compressed air. Mattresses and pillows renovated: 1101 8. 18th st. Phone 6-0664.

Housecleaning, Floor-Surfacing. CALL 3324 FOR AT HOUSECLEANING. Boston House and Window Cleaning Co. Contracting, Bullding, Repairing. IF YOUR ROOF LEAKS call the Miller Rooting all work guaranteed, 6-0009.

Furnace, Stove Repairing. DeMuth STOVE complete REPAIR line of CO. all We stove carry and furnace repairs: 1420.8. 6th. Call 6-0081.

Auctions, Auction Houses Auctioneers. G. F. HURD AUCTIONEER Felix Telephone st. COL.

H. GRABLE PHONE 6-3608 6-5901 AUCTION FRIDAY, at MARCH 114-116 13, N. 9:30 a. several in lots ware- of 3rd, goods sent in to be sold, including lot of new shoes and furnishing goods. List in tomorrow's paper.

Note the hour of sale, 9:30 m. Friday. G. F. HURD, Auctioneer FREE NIGHT AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT.

7:30, at our auction rooms. 3rd and Francis, partial list for Thursday night's sale: New 3-burner kitchenette gas range with oven; good bicycle; coffee urn: set steel bridge chairs: portable victrola: 4-burner Alcazar oil stove; 2- burner electric plate: oscillating shuttle Singer sewing machine: rugs, all goods sold free of charge this week. H. L. ROBINSON AUCTION CO.

Auction House Auctions, NEW FURNITURE SPECIALS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 10 new overstuffed living room suites in velours and mohair and priced from $49.50 and up. See our new walnut bedroom suites, including 3-piece suite with vanity dresser $49.50. WE NOW HAVE EVERYTHING to furnish the home in either new or used furniture. Trade in your old goods on new. Open any night by appointment.

Open every Saturday night until 8:30 p. m. Casti OF Terms HURD FURNITURE AND AUCTION CO. 317 FELIX ST. Miscellaneous For Sale Household Goods.

F. C. Reck Upholstering 1502 refinishing 3717 and MAYTAG WASHERS. electric or gAS motor, balloon wringers: 1705 Fred. ave.

ROOMS of furniture, Jiving room, dining room and bedroom suites. combination coal and gas range: 2215 Jackson. Phone 6-35303. LARCE REFRIGERATOR, like new: 1416 N. 25th.

FURNITURE BARGAINS LIVING ROOM SUITES: a dining room suites. taken in on trade. Shon. 1401 Jule. Phone 6-2078.

SMALL GAR RANGE OF side oven, cheap. Phone 6-3163. Musical Instruments, Radios, FOR SALE Player piano with rolls, without cash, very easy terma. Write 468. News- Press Gazette.

PLAYER PIANO, 6000 condition, bargain. Phone: 3947. TRADIOLA 60' superhetrodyne, used short time, like new. Write 471, News Press. Gazette: RADIOLA superheterodyne used short time, like new.

Write 471. News- Press Gazette. Food Products. OHIO SEED POTATOES, apple: 1418, 5. 14th.

Call 6-3089J Building Materials, Selling Out Entire Stock New and used lumber. mouidings, hardware and metal lath reduced 25 to Also desk and chairs, adding machine. check protector, typewriter. Hart oil burner and tank, truck and trailer. HUTCHINSON LUMBER CO.

14th and Mitchell Phone 6-0449 Miscellaneous For Sale Articles for Sale. SHAFTING, HANGERS AND PUL Jamieson Machine 915 N. 2nd MEAT CASES, coolers, tie chests, computing cash tera, meat grinders, alicers, desks, chairs, show cases. St, Joseph Transter Co, FOR BALD- fixtures, show cases, pool tables, prices. Ehrlich Fixture and Retrigerator Co.

5302. 5304 King HIll ave. Phone. 7-0229. ONE 20 H.

P. American single drum hoist. Shamrad Boiler 8th and CINDERE FOR DRIVEWAYS 3045. CINDERS. also gravel, large sonable: 6-2881.

Wearing Apparel. LEES. Wardrobe Exchange, first used clothing bought, sold: 308 8. 6th, Typewriters, Office Supplies. TYPEWRITERS- All maker sold, rented, repaired.

L. C. Smith, 816 Francis, 3159. Seeds, Sods, Nurseries. BARGAIN SALE Choice evergreens, 3- 3 50e: shrubs and trees planted free.

Ran Fioral Nursery Say hah rd. YARDS FERTILIZED, trimming, shrubbery, 4 14 experience: Jerabel, BOD DELIVERED, So; laid. 1107 garden plowing, grading, black dirt: EVERGREENS, 250 each: 5 for $1, Ahruba. bedge, spraying and trimming. Keller 6-0252.

CHOICE SEED OATS, Excello Feed Milling Co. Coal, COBS. PER LOAD. OAR NUT ton; sawed wood. $7.501 6-8381, QUALITY COAL, co*kE AND FUEL OIL 0.

R. Nut. Cherokee District. $5.78 Richmond Lump Iowa Block Rayco Chunks $7.00 Illinois, Co. Colorado Smokeless Lump.

Favorite Semi- Anthracite $10.00 Paria Machine Mined Lump. $10.75 Petroleum co*ke (schless fuel). Nut (baseburner). Recycled Gas OIl, 500-gal. lots.

.50 gal. Distillate, 500-gal. 60 Phone 6-0254. 6-0255 Latayette at 10th Great Western Coal Co. Iowa or Richmond Lump.

$5.75 801 S. 7th (All Coal Forked) Call 6-1618 Kansas Nut. $6.00 Richmond Lump $6.25 Sunshine 8-In. Double Screened. $6.50 HI-Heat 111.

Lump or $7.00 Supreme Anthracite $9.50 TODD-SUNSHINE PHONE 6-0037 PHONE 6-0409 FOR HIGH QUALITY COAL tale price, All grades, Call us. UNION COAL CO. COMMERCE COAL CO. Iowa and Richmond lump; Illinois Jump and egg. $6.85.

Call 8-0755, 6-0950. RIVERSIDE COAL CO. Phone 6-2581-111 Monterey Towa Egg $5.45 Tows Block or Richmond Lump. $5.75 Illinois. Egg or Lump' $7.50 Paris Anthracite Lump, Hard Wood, sawed, per ton All.

Coal Forked Free Delivery Anywhere in the City ZERO CO, 6-4873 Cherokee Jowa, District Nut. $5.75. Also high -grade coals at low prices, Cleaned and forked. JOHNSON FUEL 6-0078. SERVICE Mitchell at CO.

15th. Genuine Sunshine 6-inch also clean. nigh-grade coal of all kinds. LOOK: and Richmond lump coal, Illinois Jump and egg. $6.10.

Call 6-0950. Wanted to Buy. RAGS. paper, magazines, iron, brass, copper, old batteries, bottles. We call for any amount.

Inc. Paper Co. 816 Patee: 6-2440. HURD AUCTION 6-1253; will 317 buy Felix your at. SECOND-HAND furniture.

Call 7-0405. Automotive Used Cars, A USED CAR THAT WILL PLEASE YOU! Pontiac Coach '28 Olds Coupe $29 Whippet Conch Olds Sedan 128 Chrysler Cab C'p '29 Olds Sedan All Reconditioned, Tires and Finish Extra Good BURGER MOTOR CO. 20th and Frederick Ave. Phone 3013 It's Time to Buy That Good Used Car THE FOLLOWING CARS PRICED TO SELL ONCE! Marquette Sedan Ford Roadster 128 Ford Roadster 30 Durant Sedan 29 Nash Coupe Durant Sedan 130 Ford Truck with duel wheels 28 Pontiac Sedan Hudson Coach 610 S. Eighth CALL MATHERLY, 6-0044 SEE THIS ONE 1929 DODGE SIX 4-DOOR SEDAN Finished In black, trimmed in red; mohair upholstering.

This car la Just like new and in a car that will give thousands of miles of trouble-Free transportation. A ride in this car will satiety the prospect that wants new car, only $695.00 WE TRADE LIBERAL Open Evenings Phone 6-1446 Arnold-Strong Motor Co. USED CAR DEPT. 1316. FREDERICK GOOD WILL USED CARS 128 Hudson Sedan $300 Essex Bulck, Sedan $200 126 Willyn-Knight Sedan $250 Whippet Coupe $275 27 Oldsmobile Coach $275 30 Chevrolet Coupe $425 Chevrolet Cabriolet Coupe.

$375 WOLFLEY AUTO CO. South, Across Street From the Postoffice Phone 6-0177 Open Evinings 1924 FORD -DOOR SEDAN: trade for young, chickens. Call Mr. Purdom. 6-0312.

CASH PAID for used care Bolliger Motor 19th and Fred'k. See Ray Moreland. PRIVATE OWNER will trade equity In 1930 Dodge 8 sedan, like new, for 1929 or 1930 model Ford: 517 N. 23rd. Automotive Used Care.

(Continued.) Lots of Transportation at Little Cost 26 Buick Sedan Buick Sedan $175 24 Buick Coupe $125 Auburn Coupe $200 24 Ford Coupe Overland Sedan $125 '26 Ford Tudor $45 Essex Conch $50 Chrysler Sedan $125 Rickenbacker Sedan 28 Dodge Whippet Sedan Coach $165 26 Peerless Sedan, $150 Hudson Sedan $125 24 Chevrolet Sedan $30 Jewett Coupe $65 Dodge Coupe $65 Hupmobile Coupe $125 27 Chrysler Coupe $160 Buick Roadster $15 The Above Cars Are in Good Condition and on Good Rubber BUY YOUR NEXT CAR FROM Dill-Wood Motor Co. BUICK DEALER Used Car Dept-1800 d. Ave. Open Evenings Phone 5160 Guaranteed Used Cars 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1930 Willys 6 Coupe 1929 Whippet 6 Coach 1928 Whippet Sedan 1929 Pontiac Coach 1930 Whippet 4 Sedan 1928 Essex Sedan CALKINS MOTOR CO. Leaders in Used Car Values and Service TERMS TRADE 908 Francis Phone 6-0312 '26 OLDSMOBILE COACH A Good Clean One $150.00 LAWLER-GRANT MOTOR CO.

YOUR FORD DEALERS 24-HOUR SHOP AND PARTS SERVICE EXCEPT SUNDAY FREE TOW-IN EXTRA GOOD USED CARS EXTRA LOW PRICE 20 Pontine Chevrolet Sedan Coach 29 Chrysler Chrysler 62 66 Sedan Sedan Nash Sedan Chrysler 00 Sedan Oakland Coach Chrysler 70 Sedan Buick Coach Dodge Coach Gra'm-Paige Bed. '26 Buick Sedan LIBERAL TERMS BREON MOTOR CO. 909 Felix Open Evenings Phone 6-1903 $100 AND $150 USED CARS FORDS, NASHES. STUDEBAKERS, DODGES, CADILLACS, LINCOLNS 1526-28-30. Frederick Ave.

Phone 9066 Willis Cadillac Co. HIGH GRADE USED CARS FROM $10, UP BOLLIGER MOTOR CO. SEE RAY MORELAND 1834 Frederick Ave. Phone 9526 Supplies and Service. TIME TO RE- Investigate Our Plan on FISK TIRES 20 MONTHS TO PAY CALKINS TIRE DEPT.

916 Francis Phone 6-0312 FOR FIRST CLANS CHEVROLET and Buick service call 0-1861 or 4128. HYDE VALLEY MOTOR nOW under management of 0. Li Hook: general auto repairing: 6215-17 King Livestock. Implements Horses, Cattle Hogs, FARM HORSES AND WARES AI broke. 1801 B.

5th. HORSES MULES, wagons and harness: 1710 YOUNG SOWS, will farrow soon: also Holstein cow, fresh soon. Phone 4159. FOR SALS Horses Phone Rural 257K3. WANTED TO TRADE Jersey belter for horse.

Phone 6-2872M. DUROC BRED GILTS Come quick for 1 need the room! farrow March, April. Fred Farris, Faucett. Mo. Livestock, Implements Horses, Cattle, Hogs TOR SALE 1 head Fresh calves by side: 7:18 head, shonta, double immune: brood sow, double Immune.

Will trade for horse team. Call 7-1937M. Feed and Implements. TONS CHOICE ALFALFA HAY, baled. Phone 6-1776.

FOR SALE diec. Phone 7-1036. Poultry, Eggs, Supplies, CRAWFORD CHICKS White Diarrhea Tested State Accredited Higher Quality Lower Prices Curtom Hatching CRAWFORD HATCHERIES Phone 6-0698 802 8. 9th 51. St.

Joseph, Mo. GOLD STRIPE ALL MASH CHICK RATION ALL. SCHRIEBER'S FEEDS NOW DELIVERED FREE WITHIN CITY LIMITS SCHREIBER MILLS 8th and Mitchell Phone 6-1832 IMPERIAL STRAIN chicks, reduced prices, Catalog of 10. breeds. Custom hatching.

Hayes Imperial Hatchery, Karnes 9248. RHODE-I LAND REDS, pure Harold Tompkina' strain; bacy chicks batching eggs. W. 1. Pool.

2605 Lucille: 9227 after p.m. CERTIFIED CHICKS fOR SAI6, 51001 Knight Hatchery, 2119 8. 9th. Phone 6-4336. BABY CHICKS, selected Tancred White Leghorn stock, 9 centa delivered.

Write Mra. Hokill, route 5. St. Joseph. ALL BREEDS baby chicks.

$6.50 per 100: 1508 St. Joseph ave. Phone 6-2901J, BABY CHICKS. Phone 6-6841J. Dogs and Pets.

CANARY SINGERS and mated pairs for sale: 2006 8. 10th. Financial Business Opportunities FOR SALE on account of other business, will cel 1-chair barber shop at 1118 N. 6th. FOR BALE- 15-room as for wanted: 12 rooms of furniture for quick sale, $300 cash 1011 Felix.

HERE 18 YOUR JOB Well auger for on Nash truck, perfect condition: contracts for 12 wells. Terms: 414 8. 6th st. GROCERIES AND FIXTURES FOR BALE, cheap rent. Phone 6-8440.

Personal Loans. PAYMENTS ON LOANS REDUCED 25 to 30 Months to Pay a Loan Loans on furniture, autos, liamonds, co- makers, or stocks, at 21 Inter est. refinanced on our new, reduced payment, plan. Also your car. Phone 9104 for representative to call and explain plan.

LOANS MADE IN NEABY TOWNS Commerce Loan Invest. Co. State Supervision" 216 N. 7th St. 102-103 Arcade Bldg.

IN DEBT? We otter complete, confidential service to the family or single person up to $300 with interest at monthly on unpaid balance. Call, Phone or Write PUBLIC LOAN CORP. 408 Kirkpatrick Bidg. Phone 6-1920 MEN AND WOMEN, with steady Income, can borrow bere and pay back in small, convenient payments as you earn. Quick service at low cost without publicity.

COX COMPANY 34 Ballinger 7th and Edmond. Chattel Loans. Loans $100 to $300 INTEREST Per Month No Endorsers METRO LOAN CO. BIXTH FLOOR CORBY BLDG. Corner 5th and Felix Star PHONE 6-0004 LOANS QUICKLY CONFIDENTIALLY $100 $200 $300 AT PER MONTH The Household Plan offers cash loans of $100 to $300 at 214 per month.

Strictly confidential. Husband and wife only need sign. No endorsers. Come In, or phone, or Write Household Finance Corporation FOURTH FLOOR, TOOTLE BLDG. Corner 6th and Francis Sta.

PHONE 6-1565 Peerless Loan AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, SALARY509 Corby Bide. Auto Loans. DRIVE RIGHT UP TO OUR DOOR Auto Loans Cash Advanced -Payments Reduced Prompt, bank -like service strictly absolute privacy. No endorsers no cosigners. Let assist you.

Also Per Month Loans on Furniture Mid-Continent Finance Co. 702-03 Corby Bide. Phone 6-1361 Broker for Lewis Inv. Kansas City Real Estate Loans. MONEY a TO LOAN on farms and city property.

H. 8. Smith Inv. 513 Francis. FARME AND CITY LOANS-.

L. Smith. 236 Illinois ave. Phone 7-0030. MONEY TO LOAN Improved city proparty.

Andrews Kelly, 213 N. 7th G. REAL Schneider ESTATE Investment MONEY Co. Phone 6-0345. 200-207-209 Schneider Bide.

FARMS AND CITY LOANS Mumford Hanna Investment 000. Francis Rentals Furnished Rooms, STEAM HEATED ROOM, ruming water, phones, And Pilcher Hotel. STEAM bath, Hotel Ryes. pleasant modern home: breakfast it destred. 60 light housekeeping rooms.

4062. FRONT ROOM with connecting bath, prie vate home, close professional men preferred. Phone 4700. NICE CLEAN ROOMS rent. 6-8463.

ELEVENTH. N. 1254 modera rooms, everything furnished, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM and Kitchen Phone 3979: SYLVANIE. housekeeping heat, gam, garage, 80 and. 85.

KING HILL, 5507; heat, garage: NICK FRONT ROOM, kitchen leges. Phone 6-6435. Apartments, BUCHANAN, upper room modern, unusally nice; parase: Call TENTH, N. 13049 attractive upper 5-room duplex, $37.50. Phone 9858.

NINTH, N. remodeled 5-room mode apt. finished floors reasonable, JONES. 1902: beautiful 4-roote apartment, strictly modern, beat, hot and cold water Phone ELEVENTH, 6091 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, $30. Call Furnished Apartments, Houses.

N. modern apartment, 1 plendid condition. Phone: ELEVENTH. N. 6219 modern apartment.

private entrance. FREED room Call or 6-7749R. CLAY, 1816; email modern very reasonable, NINTH, kitchenette bed, private bath: TWENTY FOURTH N. modera upper duplex: garage. FIFTEENTH.

8. 200m and bat 815. Call 6-2636W. TWENTY 4 furnace, Call NEWLY FURNISHED 3-room apartment, everything furnisbed. Phone 8731.

DUNCAN, 2731 house, 5. turniabed or unfurnished. EDMOND, 1023 unusually nice 2-room apartment. A EDMOND, 920 beautifully 3- room apartment, steam heat LARGE PLEASANT front room. kitchenette, private home, garage, references; 9916, THIRTEENTH, Phone small apartment, everything furnished HILLYARD APARTMENT KITCHENETTE APARTMENT.

Frigidaire electric stove. Call 6-0107 or 6-1562, N. 8. Hillyerd. SIXTEENTH.

419: modern 2-room front apartment: everything furnished; adults. DELIGHTFUL" apartment, DOWNTOWN reduced to $40: 52454 UNUSUALLY NICE furnished Inquire 724 N. 22nd. Francis St. Apts.

Modern REFRIGERATION: close to; large lawn: 6-2098. 1307 Francis. Houses for Rent. N. 443: bouse, Mouth side: modern, good condition; 6-1612 ELEVENTH, N.

modern house Phone 5110. -ROOM. HOUSE, 1 acres electrie lights, good: road. John R. Hauber, route 1.

just porth of Insoboard factory, STRICTLY MODERN 5-room bungalow, Phone 6-5004. SEVENTEENTH, a rooms and bath. $18. Call 6-2636W. JONES, 18037 modern 6-Foom house, call 3515 or 6-0022.

APRIL 1, 5-ROOM modern cottage, breakfast room. basem*nt garage 500; 6-8511. TWENTIETH, 5. 208: 6 roomer strictly modern, oak floors, garage; rent reduced: 6-1770. FARAON, 2310: 6-room modern cottages He 8.

Smith Inv. Co. phone 6-0169. FELIX. 22417 4-room tenement, modern cept heat.

$15: 8606. SIXTEENTH 16033 -room cottage. Phone 6-5114. GRAND AVER 1013: cottage 8820. THIRD, N.

22265: 5-100m house, modern except heat. Phone 8900. CHARLES, 2317 newly modern. decorated: 5, rooma, hard W. Stores, Storerooms, Shops; TO RENT- GOOD building wholesale district, excellent location, able for or turing Area, 2.300 ate possession.

Rents very reasonable. Tootle Estate, phone 1780.0 Office Rooms, OFFICE with AND DESK rooms, some furnished, phone and stenographic service. Ballinger Bldg. Phone or 3956. Suburban for Rent, FROOM HOUBE, ACRES.

Call 1-0677 FOR' RENT OR SALE 5 acres, 9 house. Call 6-4667J. Wanted to Rent, 3 UNFURNISHED modern coom close in, wanted by April 1. Call 6-6027. WANTED.

TO RENT Reasonable house or North End, permanent. Write K. 801. News Press-CaReal Estate Rent Estate for Sale. 5.

SMITH Investment Co. City, property and farms for 513 Francis streets DAVIS BROS. SURE DO Houses for Sale, HOUSE modern tine hood. Phone 3334. TERRACE AVE desirable modern cottage; nice yard; $3,500.

6-ROOM MODERN con1 aider trade. Call 6-2607W. bath, TWENTY furnace, SECOND, 6 Foome, In A-1 condition, onk floors, Phone front garage 86,000. 6-0168 Farms for Sale, FOR SALE. seven miles St.

west Joseph, of Mayaville, about 30 miles from on gravel -0. No. good Improvements. 0. Hotel.

10 OR 20 ACRES, a Improved, 3 miles south of city, cash balance in monthly payments; will rent; 206 13. Colorado Real state to Exchange. $1,500 in 6-room modern home. near. Circle Drive, for car, or what hare Phone.

CHOICE FARM, Holt County, want elty nrbperty. Charles Bermond, 4-5205J. home of your own la waiting for you. Perhaps the very one you have been looking for is offered in the classified section 10- day, Read these offers under today and every day. Legal NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS In for the District Western Court of the United states Joseph Division, in the matter of Dan the District of SE Kiser, bankrupt, in bankrupter.

Joseph the in creditors of said bankrupt of the county of Buchanan and the district notice hereby that on the 10th day of February, 1981, the above named bankrupt. Dan Kiger. duly adjudged bankrupt, that the first meeting of creditora of bankrupt will be held at my office, room 313 Coby in the City of 8t. Joseph. the 23rd day March, hour of 10 o'clock at which time sale creditors may attend, prote their claims, appoint a trusten, esamine the bankrupt and transact such other mAy John properly, come before said meeting.

MeNeely, In This 10th day of MArch, NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS In the Diatriot, Court of the United Plates for the Western District of Missouri, Joseph Division. in the matter of Nemeer, bankrupt, in To the the creditor county or said bankrupt and of Joseph in Buchanan the district aforesatd. Notice In hereby that on the and day of the above named bankrupt: N. Nemo duly, adjudged bankrupt. and meeting hie ante creditore will be held office, Corby building, in the City Joseph, on the 33rd hour of 10.0 0 clock A sAid creditors may their claims, appoint he the rupt and transact auch other bunin may properly come John Referee This doth day of March, 1991..

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.