The Gaffney Ledger from Gaffney, South Carolina (2025)

i THE OAF HEY LED Eft, QAFFKET. S. If THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926 PAGE TlintE neat-he, near or apricots. No. 4 The Shore Dinner Cream of muiou'l aoun.

nilot cracker, bteam ed clanm or muHst-l or grilled Parker, Amelia Lemmonn, Ellon Quinn, Clara Sander of Concord, N. Huth Scrwrea and Mary Sue Mullinax of Chesnoe, Laura Boll Price of Columbia, Autell and Kl-tice MeGinnis of Chcsncej MetiHrs. Bannon Srllan, J. Jonca, Horace Hummctt, Bobbie Bryant, Paul Byera, twitter. Fried fiHh.

Potato china boiled potatoes or salad or corn on cnh. Watormc on. coffee. No. 6 Tho Cold Canned Meal Put td wholo tonirue.

chicken or Onnio Mullinax, bully Lanier, Harry Sanders of Concord, N. Douglas pressed corn beef. Asparagus tljis and Bill Vassv of Cliesneo. mnvonnaise. Dill or other pickles, CoiniiiUhloii MrrU.

Columbia, Aug. I7.The reg-ulur monthly nit'ctinar of the tate Thursday morning at 10 o'clock the Jeirerson hotel with tho usual preliminary meeting tonight at tho Offices of tho department at 1708 Sumter street. The usual routin0 matters will ba considered at the Jefferson Thursday morninjr and tho hearing of various delegations, will the order of tho day. Among those expected to appear before tho commission Thursday are delegations from Oconee, Beaufort, Georgetown, Greenville and Pclzcr. I THINGS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN returned to their home at Williamson after upending never! davs here.

They were accompanied by Mr. anil Mrs, WaUon. The Misson Kendrick are daughters ot Rev. and Mrs. J.

I. Kendrick, of Williamston. TO MONTBEAT MiHs Mary Lou McLean gone to Montreat. N. to spend a vacation before going to Hartsville where she will have chnrgo of the Cokcr College Infirmary.

Easy Work. "My husband has got tho softest job in town." does ho do?" "He's' tester in a mutress factory." I potato chips. Canned peaches, plums Miss Katherine Bledsoe has re- or apricots. Grape juice, ginger ale MRS. P.

W. SOSSMON turned to her homo in Pendleton, S. or sarsapanlla. I No. 6 Tho Carry-alone Meal (Mot) Pheaa 100 Social? Editor atives in Gaffney.

Vegetable soup, cheese crackers (in tireless utensil), inicnen iri- I 1.1. Umta Misses Vida and Mary Ellen Petty i En All Item Intended for thli department at be telephoned or ent In to the Society Editor before 11:01 A.M, the day before ijour old FURNITURE "save money like paint Dries while you wait (asts a Hfetime Any woman can now make he hbby furniture Into heauti tul lacquer piece. Rosen Bruah. log Lacquer goe on eiv aa pamt. Right over the old finteh.

lrie hard and ready for hil you waltl Beautiful, practically indearrnctible. Good tor a lifetime. Mort marrclou finish of the age. All the nonalar colon. Money refunded it you noteatfcfied.

Be oreyou get the grnnfne publication. ff' No 7 The Gasoline Stove Meal GUESTS OF MRS. KOBELOT Boiled nota- Dr. and Mrs. John Wood Jones -BnniH corned beef.

Georgia. From Columbia the party will go to Big Springs to attend a reunion of the Kelly family. Mrs. of Columbus, Mississippi are the Flap'jackg( biscuits in the oven or Hamiltomi's Autrey and Miss Autrey expect to B'alt1' 1 spoon an.i cneese accomnanv Mrs. Huskev to Gaffnev t.h,!8 wck: friz.le.

Canned or fresh fruits or for a short visit. aii.fil dried varities. 4 A I aJCmilrlH UUU Ui innm, I aft NOTICE. During this week the society page i in charge of Mrs. S.

C. Littlejohn while Mrs. Sossamon is away on her vacation. Any news for this page should be Bent to or telephoned to Mrs. Littlejohn at No.

310. WINGED HEELS i.m mnthnr I GREENVILLE VISITORS An unusual pair of pttnips seen and" Mj88 Wood is a niece of her Miss Louise McKown of Green- on a rrencn dancer were of mauve kn.t. iiin the attractive guest oi 1 1 vc ivnn, colored -kid with birds cot from Many social affairs are being plan- Ruby McKown this week gold leather appliqued on the vamp ncd irl honor of these visitors. and the heel. iiti ir.iiTFiTf.

OUTING r.IIFSTS HERE AT CHIMNEY KOt IV TO CHARLOTTE I r.nm o-- T. A. Dno-o-ett of I a oniAvinir a dolieht THE MASTER II Misses Elizabeth Brown and Alice West Jefferson. N. C.

spent the da and nicnic dinner at Old thinu Bone, but I have found Littiejonn spent Tuesday in CBar- with Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Morgan chimney Rock last Sunday were: mr, nater I By whom my aoul, In llvr tether held, last ween. and Mrs. J.

l. omiui, mw Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Ewing, Mr.

Nn Allison. Miss Nellie Miss Louise Stenhnns nf PharWin of Chester were with Mr. and Miss Jenelle Allison, Miss Brushing LTCQt)eR FOR SALE BY WILKINS-WATSON HARDWARE COMPANY spent last week with Miss Ruby Mrs. Paul Morgan last week. Evelyn Daniel, Miss Jeanette Mc- Mrby at her home on Cherokee Farlnnd, Mr.

J. Ausun Avenue. Miss Kirbv accomnaniedl Misses Eizabeth Pet-1 Mr. Oliver Lemmons Miss Stenhens homo and will KnllH nnH Georp-in Mao Green are! her truest in SDartanhuri? for sever- snnmlinc ten davs in Charleston on I rwv nnMK al days. a house party.

Mr. and Mrs. Buford Brown of V. anri Mr. and Mrs.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Grows atron beyond rebuke, beyond disinter. Her love umiuenched, her pitiful anger quelled, ThrouKh life and time I raca forever Impelled. Eternity eem nemrer now, and vaster, And showers on me the Love unparalleled. More tender than a mother. He keeps and leads me Where the hard everlasting pathwVy goes Between the risin and fading lights.

He feeds me With the sound Word. All that I ask He knows. i i ciiiuiib. Genu Wilson i'a visitnn- Wnito I TWIoooo Tlnrnt.Vlv Tnllnsnn Kjllpll3non Rrnwn of Starr. have Smart! New! FALL FROCKS In Satin Crepes etc.

The leading new colors black, channel red and browns. $12-95 $19 05 New Felt Hats $2.98 $5.00 Black, Red, Tan, White Sale of Summer Silk Dresses $4.95 $8.95 Charles and John Hamrick at their Osborne and Betty Morgan left to- returned to their homes after a FOR SALE. cottage at Myrtle Beach this week, day to spend a week in Chester on visit to their parents, ur. aitu mio a house party given by Miss Kil-1 R. Brown.

RETTIPVIfn llallv Ewinc I -r good Also Easy Mrs. Frank Lanev and children Mrs, j0hn W. McCalla has returned FOR SALE Ford coupe, condition. Bargain for cash. 3-room house and two lots, terms.

J. C. Fort. 21 Aug. 14, tf.

of Monroe. North Carolina and Mr. TO THE MOUNTAINS to Lowndesville after a visit to and Mrs. Heath Lee of Columbus, Miss Elizabeth Curry, Mr. and Mrs.

relatives here. Georcria who have been the cuests Woii Mr onA Mrs I And neither pain, nor death, nor ultimate FOR SALE Car of sulphate of of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.

Wilson at Rarnett. and' Miss Alice McCulloch Mrs. Percv Threadgill and little space ammonia. Much cheaper than nitrate Can tear away my spirit from His grace their home on Limestone street, have Upent several days this week at daughter, Helen, who have been visit-returned to their respective homes. Asheville and Hendersonville.

ine Mrs. Threadgil's father, Dr. W. Grace Wilkinson, of soda per unit. II.

M. Brown. 17 July 20, tf. in Voices. r.

Hamrick, are spending some time B. Y. P. U. ENJOYS OUTING I TO CHARLOTTE at Asheville.

FOR SALE Carbon paper, pencil 'of Vonrirr Pl0' TW ov, Tfc TT nnhcftn anri I VISITED MOTHER II Illy flviiiui WHWHOU WUllt 1 A'Aia Ullll i'lioi u. vuuvii uiivi and typewriter. Telephone your or Mrs J. G. Benson has returned Union of the First Baptist church I Mrs.

Ecford Little spent yesterday Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Moore of motored to Love Springs Friday I in Charlotte.

from a visit to Henaersonvuie. ders. The Ledger. 12 June 3, tf. Greenville have been visiting Mrs.

Moore's mother, Mrs. H. Hawkins. night and enjoyed a swim and a I water melon cutting. Among the Miss RusIp Hnhhard nf Kalishnrv to vkw YORK FOR SALE Stove wood, coal, Thy returned to Greenville Monday guests present were Misses Ruby North Carolina is the guest of her Charles Pace of Spartanburg, who coke, hu a.

meal and oats. Phone JturDv. Kuth Littlejohn. Verna lol-lhrnHir r. r.

HubharH nn Vict.nria I v.0 snondins- the summer witn 350. R. E. Johnson. Miss Hawkins will visit Charleston before returning to Gaffney next leson, Margaret Whisonant, Constance Avenue cistnr Mrs.

Lvman Hamrick May 20, tf. waters, uenera rettit, fanny i'ark- finod his narents. Mr. and Mrs. week.

'n3 McCraw, Margaret IMPROVING L. Pace of Spartanburg for a motor aTICE, nan, auzaDem xvirDy, Messrs. jacK tit Now York. PHILSON-MOORE HAMILTON'S Hughey, Tommy Wood, Basil Clarv.L,, Uorn that. ho ia irnnrnvin GOOD FOUR ROOM HOUSE for A wedding of state wide interest Cnnir r.n,;n "ju7 Readily after an appendicitis op- T0 MOVE HERE was that of Miss Mary Ella Phil- rent.

Mitt Nicholson. 8 Aug. 19, tf. oieeaiv iu at I 1 a -t Pcttit. Warren WpIIs.

Ravmnnd lint Mt. and Mrs. Kaynai ovy son of this place and Paul A. Moore of Simpsonville, which occurred at Spartanburg. whn i.ave spending the summer son, Frank Kirby, Howard Pegram, Harry Bryant, William McSwain and at Rock Hill, will return tomorrow JUST RECEIVED Cow peas and fc 'th brfd ianoPfuS8f01' late Swo- Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Philson on Brothers BU TONSIL OPERATION with their little son and will have James Jefferies. ford Mrs Wollnoo T.

Pnnlo is a nnh'pTit. with Dr. and MrS. 1. Frederick street, Monday afternoon 12 July 3, tf, 4.u ti uj I ni-ia nvpniie, Mrs.

at five-thirty. Ihe many friends of Miss Mary u. iT t.j. I in the The wedding vows were spoken lIBiHBBIISIIIIIIMIllSiHIBBIIlIIllIllllil' NOTICE We carry a complete fn Mel will ho crian tr Inmtr I j. before an improvised altar of ferns, dtock of nencil and enr- that shn is ohlfl ho nr.

aS offor I ev-nuvio a v. IRrK VACATIOM I bon naner and also nil makes of t.vne- palms and southern smilax, flanked Deing connned to her home with I writer ribbons. Telenhnnp 1 87. Thnlby tall cathedral tapers. Dr.

R. C. ottav tr.v,id f. ivi r. and Mrs.

narry Moore ana MISS BHASLci ui. j. inn. LI 1 i. I I rTCOm II 17 tt Final Reduction Ledger.

Granberry. president of Limestone 1 1. 1 i iiri ir ihvu rf. i.i I Hi i rf iiri I i I i I 23 June 3. tf.

College, officiated, bimpsonville, where they have been Miss Mabel nay ui SIMPSON-GAULT NUPTIALS snenrlintr thsir vaat.inn with Mr. I IS expected to ar- Trior to the wedding Matnis Moore ON Of particular interest here is the Moore's narents. rivo hnrp' Thursday to spend several FOR RFNT 01 simpsonvnie, Drotner oi tne groom, sang several suitable selections, ac- marriage of Miss Ada Simpson, of davs as the euest of Miss Myrtle i mi i I a FfiR rfnt Tn y.nn companied on the Piano by Miss ircBkiuiuabcr iu irn. xaiinauKe uauii. oir'riTnvrr'n Tn onrr tin Wohhsr snnerintenaent OI tnu Figured Voiles oH-oot oil mnAc.

mm i'huson, sister oi tne Dnoe Mrs. W. A. Poag of Rock Hill has Hospital, oetore cont.nuu veniences. Two minutes walk of post- Tuhe" as Misus ay the first I rpturned to hpr tinnw artpr a visit I nev KOCK ana uuicr jjiawr.o tLerdav mnrnin A tor dauh North Carolina Miss Beasley terday morning.

Dr. Andrews of ,.,111 ho ininpd the mountains by office. Possession Sept. 1st. Sam '8 Hopper.

Phone 26. tne Dnae ana groom enier- Clanton, N. C. was the officiating uiu m.w.ui. Miss Orene Jolly, of Atlanta, who We must clejir our shelves to make room for Fall Piece Goods that are now in transit, so we disregard profit and loss in making the following prices 25 Aug 16 tf I were inei, ai, Dr.

Granberry. The impressive ring minister. fV Hano-htpr of Mr. and Mrs. Joe- Mrs.

Gault was a popular teacher I 1 an buku Tii" nf hP r.rassv Pond section FOR RENT Modern five room ceremony was used Jolly. .1 rt tt- 1 I Mra A nKcr.T. nr.A ttuil.y, house with water and lights at West The bride, who is a striking bru- in ine vranney nign scnooi last year rnuntv t-: llNannie Williams Unhsnn snpnt. Mnn- End. June H.

Carr. nette, was beautiful in Maroon flat Miss Beasley was tin Cherokee aim' uaa a iiuol ui iiicuua wnu I delitrhted to know that she will make day bpartanburg. 16 July 17, tf. I crepe with velvet hat and other ac EM her home here. I cessories of biege.

Her flowers were county home demonstrate" -Tont 101 two years or mur-. She made manv fripnds throughout the cour.ty dunn 50c Quality VOILES Reduced to yd 75c and 85c VOILES Reduced to yd Mr. Gault is the son of Mr. and GUESTS HONORED BL PICNIC FOR RENT OR SALE Walker bride's roses and valley lillies. home on Victoria Avenue.

All mod Miss Edan Philson wore a dainty Mrs. J. K. Gault of Fountain Inn. Mrs.

J. P. Shuford entertained a cr stay here ern conveniences. Address R. G.

dress of lavender georgette trimmed in gold lace. ne is wnn ine viaiiney 1 nuinuer 01 irienus ai a pismc sup-Ledger and has a large circle of per at Love Springs Tuesday even- Hill, Union, S. C. 20 July 8 to Aug. 31.

MRS. TARVER HERE Mr Tarver. of Chattanooga friends, ing honoring Mrs. Paul Robelot and Mrs. W.

H. Philson, the bride After a wedding trip to Ashe-1 her house guests. Mrs. Robelot's mother, was charmingly gowned in rr. r.ffnu fvnm Srjar- 39c 25c navy crepe de chine and Mrs.

B. ville and different parts of Northlguests include Dr. and Mrs. John tn visit relatives Carolina snrrnnnrfino- that nitv Mr Wond Mi Mr tanburg yesterday to Visit leiatives WANTED. 49c One lot dark colored Voiles, worth 40c, 50c and 60c, now Moore, mother of the groom, wore frionda She was recently be WANTED SALESMAN Willing black georgette and Mrs.

Gault will make Gaffney Jones of Mississippi, Mrs. their home. I Lillian Cook Wood and Miss Jemima Mrs. Moore, who is one of the to work hard. Must have car.

Call I Wood of Mobile, Alabama. reaved by the death of. her husband whose funeral and burial took place here a week ago. Mrs. Tarver, who before her marriage was Miss Flede Anthony of Gaffney, said she.

is SHOPPERS HERE and see what we have for you. For most Ppu'ar members oi tne young-information see W. A. Cooley, Blacks- er here- received her education at Limestone College. She has been Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. George of COLUMBIA VISITORS Wilkinsville were visitors to Gaffney Mr. and Mrs.

D. Y. Wesson of I nlannino- to move back to South 25 A ij rr 10 oi leiigageu in luaunnig; ior several hi Some Other Piece Goods Silk and Cotton One lot Tissue I at me puduc scnoois oi ounion last Monday. (Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs.

Everett I Carolina and may decide to" make WANTED A irood eirl cook. Fountain Inn and Simpsonville. Mrs. A. L.

Little and Mrs. John I Wesson, also of Columbia, will here although she is now "Room in house." Good wacres. W. The groom, who is th.3 son of Mr Rogers of Blacksburg were shoppers I rive today to be the guests of Mr. aVpring Spartanburg for this pur-here Monday.

I and Mrs. J. F. Jenkins at their D0Se. she has a number of relatives K.

Davennort. Landrum. S. C. Phone and Mrs.

B. M. Moore of Simpson 20 or 25. villa, is a prominent young business I beautiful home. Sunset Hill.

I horo and in Snartanbure: also. 20 Aug 19 to 28 man of that town. He is a graduate CREPE 1.25 Value GINGHAM 65c Value now RETURNED FROM NEW YORK Mrs. Boyce Whisonant has return of Furman University, APPETISING PICNIC LUNCHES iamks SWOFFORD BETTER Iff 8 i WANTED To loan before August After the ceremony an informal ed from New York where she has 21st, $10,000.00 on one or more I reception was held and a salad course Cherokee county farms. Six and I was served.

The young couple left 69c yd 35c yd spent ten days buying goods. Clvde Whisonant, who has been Nothing seems more certain than James Edward Swofford, three and that we Americans are fast be- one-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. coming a nation of gypsies, travel- a. T.

Swofford, yesterday was re- ehs, and wanderers for the week- ported about recovered from the ef- end, at least! For the family that fects of an operation performed last takes to the open road gains fresh- Saturday bv Dr. J. G. Pittman for one-half per cent interest and long immediately for a wedding trip to or short terms as borrower prefers. I Asheville, Hendersonville and other Address immediately giving full de- points in the western part of North tails.

Box Fort Mill. S. C. I Carolina, after which they will be employed in Hendersonville this Summer, is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Boyce Whisonant. He er air and sunshine, the housewife I the removal of his tonsils. James 40 Aug. 1 7,10. at home to their friends at Simp is released from her house-binding I Edward, who is an attractive little will spend the rest of his vacation Hemmed Diapers QUALITY rJoz SI.75 sonville walls, and city children have athov.

was mascot of the graduation here before returning to the Cita LOST. 1 ine out ot town guests tor tne least a sn ileh of that heritage of I class of the High School the past del at Charleston this fall. wedding included Mr. and Mrs. B.

LOST Last Saturday night, e-1 M. Moore, Mr. Mathis Moore, Miss woods and birds which should be I session. every child's by right. It matters! not whether our objective is a nn DOUGLAS HERE VISITING GRANDMOTHER male Airdale, one year old, answers I Mae Moore, Mrs.

Tom Moore and Miss Gilmer of Greenville to name Lady. Registration tag I Mr. Yates Moore all of bimpson- beach, a lake, hills, woods or the! Dr. W. J.

Douglas, of Jonesville, is is visiting her grandmother. Mrs Columbus, Georgia. Finder please I ville. Ellen Gilmer on Smith street. siraignt turnpiKe lei go motor- spending a few days here as the lnK! guest of Mr.

and Mrs. C. C. Green. phone 706-J.

Reward. 25 Aug. 19, pd. Mrs. H.

P. Griffith and little son Miss Constance Waters of the lis expected to arrive this week to be Xhe real and pecular joy of motoring is to locate the nerfect FRQM VIRGIMA the guest of her mother, Mrs. Lula county spent the past week-end with Miss Verna Tolleson at her home v.ew. ne ongni spot, me mosi Sergeant and Mrs. Jake Dempsey, nrrrnnoh a cert 1 no- arH then cnnat I Twitty Griffith for some time.

if th of Fort Humphries, are visiting on Buford street. ECZEMA! Miss Clara Cooksey returned home th formers mother, Mrs. N. S. the and appetite may suggest Dempsey, at Blacksburg, and other Jie, relation this section! They will PRETTY PARTY Tuesday after spending a week with crrvn Tim Miss Jeanette Whelchel at her home weeks.

A pretty event of late interest was oarty given by Miss Jeanette in Dilworth. es, for which 1 have prepared tvni-i a a PRINTS FOR SCHOOL DRESSES We have a beautiful collect'on of fine prints suitable for school Dresses for girls of every age. Guaranteed Fast Colors. Going at two special prices 23c -and 49c LADIES' SUMMER DRESSES HALF PRICF Every summer dress in the house included, and there are many charming models to choose from, J. Wilkins Co.

Walk a Block: Buy It For Less Mullinax at her home on Phifer cal menus: I street Friday evening. A profusion No. 1 The Picnic Basket Meal I iv.3 mu.i r. GUESTS HERE 01 nowers and fernery beautified the Misses Hazel and Margaret WTill- home. The punch bowl was strkin-rlv son of Buffalo are spending some -Olive and bacon club sandwiches.

m. Airnar rorranoary reiumea whe bread. Cucumber and cheese hom yesterday morning from sandwiches, brown b-cd. Salmon the here he under-hard-boiled egg salad, water cress went ratlon for the arranged in an abundance of vines. time with Miss Connie Wilson.



until a late hour. nd sweet pickles, assorted small PI mr is spending her vacation at the Thoso present were: Misses Evelvc cakes, ginger ale. hnme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. Wilson. and Margaret Kenett, Katie Sherer, No. 2 The Campfire Menu Grill- mnju tJAUiv ed small "short teak." Com on I Miss Mary Wood has returned to cob. Fried potatoes or potato chins.

I Gaffney after spending the past ser-Buttered rolls, coffee, cantaloupe. leral months in Miami. Martin. Luzelia Champion. Nell Scruggs, Alma Shirley, Ccelia Meett, Geneva Hill.

Willie Johnson. GONE TO FAMILY REUNION Mrs. Gary Huskey left today for No. 3 The Grubstake Party I www Betty Hames. Zemrude Lanier, Nellie Phillips, Irene and Evelyn Sanders.

Beef-onion-baeon grill (slice torn-1 RETURN' HOME I Columbia where she will join her aunt and cousin, Mrs. D. A. Autrey Aurelia Parri. Marraret WoodainV.

toes separate). Buttered rolls, coffee I Misses Mary and Annie Kendrick. IIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1IIIIIEIBI and Miss Aileen Autrey of Moultrie, or lemonade. Watermelon or canned I niece Mr. Eiri Watson, he Connie Wilson, Vivian Jones, Marie.

The Gaffney Ledger from Gaffney, South Carolina (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.