Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (2024)

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  • BySteven Carter
  • Published

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (2)

Act 1

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (3)

A Nautiloid In Hell

The Emerald Grove

Overgrown Ruins Chapel

Sunlit Wetlands / Putrid Bog

The Whispering Depths

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (11)

Zhentarim Basem*nt

Goblin Camp

Shattered Sanctum

The Underdark


Act 2

Mountain Pass

Rosymorn Monastery

Crèche Y’llek

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (19)

Shadow-Cursed Lands

Last Light Inn

Reithwin Town

Gauntlet of Shar

Moonrise Towers

Mind Flayer Colony

Act 3 (WIP)

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (25)


Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (26)

Wyrm’s Rock

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (27)

Lower City

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (28)

Sewer & Undercity

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (29)

Ramazith’s Tower

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (30)

The Blushing Mermaid

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (31)

Counting House

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (32)

House of Hope

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (33)

Cloister of Sombre Embrace

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (34)

Szarr’s House / Cazador’s Dungeon

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (35)

Iron Throne

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (36)

Steel Watch Foundry

Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (37)

High Hall

Waukeen’s Rest is on fire, and two of its guests are trapped inside! In this guide we’ll show you how to rescue one of those poor souls and guide him to safety.


Points of Interest
1 – First Recruit Ephren
2 – Storage Room
3 – Front Door
4 – Dead Halfling
5 – Barn
6 – Florrick’s Room
7 – Benryn’s Room
8 – Mirileth’s Corpse

A – Main Staircase
B – Bathhouse Staircase


When you arrive at Waukeen’s Rest along the Risen Road, you’ll discover that the inn was recently attacked by goblins and drow — and that it’s still on fire with two of its guests trapped inside. One of those guests is Counsellor Florrick (#6). If you rescue her, then you’ll learn that the drow kidnapped Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard during their attack. This is a part of the quest Rescue the Grand Duke, and it’s the reason why you’ll encounter lots of Flaming Fists in the inn’s courtyard.

Note: If you’re playing a drow, then First Recruit Ephren (#1) won’t be happy to see you when you first arrive. If you pass a DC-11 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (39)Intelligence check (to detect her thoughts), a DC-5 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (40)Intimidation check (Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (41)Barbarian advantage), or a DC-5 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (42)Persuasion check, then she’ll allow you to pass. Otherwise, Ephren will raise the alarm, and all of the Flaming Fists in the courtyard will attack you.

The person you’ll need to rescue for this quest is Benryn. You’ll find him upstairs in his room (#7). There are three basic ways to reach him:

  • The front door (#3). If you haven’t yet rescued Florrick, then you’ll meet a group of four Flaming Fists at the front door, led by Gauntlet Yeva. Yeva will order you to help them break down the door. To do this, you’ll need to pass a DC-10 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (44)Strength check or a DC-10 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (45)Performance check (Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (46)Bard only), or you’ll need to have Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (47)Wyll in your party. If you’re successful, then you’ll kick open the door and create an entrance into the inn, and any Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (48)Soldier in your party (like Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (49)Lae’zel) will gain the “Chain of Command” Inspiration. But if you already rescued Florrick, causing the Flaming Fists to depart, or if you killed the Flaming Fists, then you’ll be on your own at the front door, and you’ll have to pass a DC-15 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (50)Athletics check to break it open.

    Once inside the inn, you’ll just need to take the main staircase to the upper floor (Exit A), where you’ll have a direct path to the broken door on the eastern side of Benryn’s room.

  • The storage room (#2). A Shattered Wine Barrel will block the door, so you’ll either need to move it aside (by clicking and dragging it) or destroy it (by force-attacking it) to clear the way. Once inside the storage room, you’ll be able to jump to the upper floor, which will give you access to a “sturdy” oak door leading to Counselor Florrick’s room (#6). To open the door, you can use the Suite Key found on the dead halfling outside the inn (#4), you can pick the door’s DC-18 lock, or you can destroy it — ideally using Fire or Slashing attacks to defeat its sturdiness. Entering Florricks’ room will give you an easy route to Benryn’s room.
  • The bathhouse. You can use the staircase in the bathhouse (Exit B) to head up to the upper floor. This will give you a direct route to the broken door on the southern side of Benryn’s Room.

Regardless of the path you take, you’ll have to break down at least one broken door (by force-attacking it) to reach Benryn. Any door you open or break down on the western side of the inn will feed oxygen to the fire and cause the flames to spread. This will give you less than a minute to rescue Benryn before he burns to death.

When you reach Benryn, you’ll discover that a ceiling beam fell on him, trapping him in his room. You’ll have two ways to free him — by passing a DC-15 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (52)Investigation check or a DC-10 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (53)Strength check (Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (54)Barbarian advantage). If you’re playing a Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (55)Bard, then you can also pretend to help Benryn. If you pass a DC-12 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (56)Performance check and a DC-12 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (57)Deception check, then you’ll convince Benryn that he’s doomed, which will cause him to talk about his wife and their dowry (see below).

When you help Benryn to his feet, you’ll automatically enter turn-based mode. This will help you to escape the inn more quickly — especially if you use Dash — but it isn’t required. As you’re fleeing from the conflagration, one of two things will happen: you’ll either make it to the courtyard without discovering the body of Benryn’s wife Miri, which will cause him to start searching for her, or you’ll stumble over her on your way out. For the former case, when you talk to Benryn in the courtyard, he’ll ask you to find Miri, and then after you’ve relayed her location to him, he’ll rush over to her. So either way he’ll end up at her corpse (#8).

When you talk to Benryn next to Miri’s body, he’ll tell you that they had an argument about the dowry for Miri’s sister, which is why they weren’t together when the drow attacked. But Benryn won’t find the dowry with Miri, so he’ll ask you to look for it. If you use Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (59)Speak with Dead on Miri, then she’ll reveal that she hid it in a barn outside the inn. However, this step isn’t required. You can find the dowry at any time, even if you’re not working on the quest.

The barn is located just outside the inn to the west (#5). When you interact with the haystack there, you’ll trigger a DC-15 Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (60)Perception check. If you’re successful, then you’ll find a gilded chest containing the Dowry Ring plus some minor random treasures. If necessary, you can repeat the Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (61)Perception check for each character in your party — and even swap in new companions and try with them as well.

When you return to Benryn (#8), you’ll have to decide if you want to give him the Dowry Ring or keep it for yourself. The ring isn’t useful for anything, and it’s only worth 20 gold, so this is purely a role-playing decision. Whatever you choose to do, this is where the quest will end.

Steven Carter

Starting with cassette tape games on the TRS-80, Steven has been playing, creating, and writing about games for a long, long time. This makes him experienced, not old. Lately, Steven has been focusing on walkthroughs, making sure everybody knows how to solve Towers of Hanoi puzzles.




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Rescue the Trapped Man - Baldur's Gate 3 - EIP Gaming (2024)


How to rescue the trapped man in BG3? ›

Someone in the party must approach him and use the help action to help him up, otherwise he stays knocked down. There is a barricaded door next to Benryn that can be destroyed and leads to a safe area. Then, the party can control Benryn and have him dash out of the room.

Is there a way to save Benryn? ›

Saving Benryn

Cast the Misty Step spell to get to Benryn. Save Benryn with either Strength or Investigation check. Cast Create Water on Benryn.

Can you save Waukeen's rest? ›

Waukeen's Rest is destroyed thanks to the Goblins. Baldur's Gate 3 is full of choices that affect the world around you, but while you couldn't prevent the attack on Waukeen's Rest, you can still save some people.

Should I help Rugan BG3? ›

If you let Rugan deliver the strongbox without tampering with it, or if you kill him and Olly and deliver it yourself, you'll receive gold and a special crossbow known as the Harold. Additionally, delivering the shipment yourself prompts Zarys to offer you more work if you ever make it to Baldur's Gate.

Can you turn into a Mindflayer in bg3? ›

At one point, you will be offered an Astral-Touched Tadpole, but taking it will turn you into a half-Mind Flayer.

Should I give Oskar Gold BG3? ›

If the party speaker demands Oskar's freedom, these checks are against 20 and 25, but they can get Oskar for free. Now free, Oskar will ask the party for 200 gold of traveling money. He'll get to Baldur's Gate either way, so don't bother giving him anything.

Can you save everyone in BG3? ›

There are many key characters housed in the Iron Throne, and it's the culmination of several side quests and companion missions. It's possible to save all of them, but it's still very tough.

Should I pay for the artist in BG3? ›

Oskar will cost anywhere between 600 and 1200 gold (save money by leaving him). Although he promises riches, Oskar can not guarantee payment to the player character. Players should only buy Oskar if they are ready to pay the extra 200 gold to get him to Baldur's Gate.

Should I destroy the brain Baldur's Gate 3? ›

If you roll successfully on either three options, you'll whip the brain out. If you fail the roll, you can always load back and try again, or be faced with either destroying or leaving it. If you destroy it, you'll squash it with no chance to fail. Leaving it in the body ends the quest and Us won't join your party.

What's still missing from Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Upper City Is Missing From Baldur's Gate 3

The most noticeable missing content from Baldur's Gate 3, and the one causing most of the contention with the community, is the entire Upper City of Baldur's Gate.

Can you save Arabella in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Save Arabella is a side quest in Baldur's Gate 3 where you're tasked with rescuing a child from Kagha, the leader of the druids in Druids' Grove. She attempted to steal a sacred relic, and is being held captive, so you can offer to save her.

Can you save Benryn in BG3? ›

You must bash the wooden planks using your Main Attack. Breaking these beams will allow you access to Benryn. To save him, you must interact with him and pass a Strength or Investigation skill check. He will temporarily get knocked down in Turn-Based mode after saving him.

Can you save the Duke in bg3? ›

Through whatever means, save Duke Ravengard by rushing to his aid in the east corridor. It's recommended to send a healer to save him while the rest of your party saves all other prisoners. When you release Ravengard by pulling the lever to the right of his door, you can control him in your turn order.

Is there anything in Waukeen's rest BG3? ›

Notable loot

There is a buried chest at X: -98 Y: 632, containing some gold and camp supplies. Succeeding on a Perception check when interacting with the Hay Bale at X: -102 Y: 621 will reveal a chest containing the Dowry Ring.

How do you rescue Volo in BG3? ›

His cell is located on the right side when entering Gut's throne room, and he'll be guarded by a goblin named Gribbo. Speak to her for a chance to free Volo with diplomacy. If that fails, you can pick her pocket or kill her to get the key to Volo's cage. If all else fails, you can simply pick the lock on Volo's cage.

How do you rescue Shadowheart? ›

If you search the body at the back of the room, you'll find an Eldritch Rune. Once you've picked up the rune, interact with the console again to inset free Shadowheart and she will join your party, as long as you pass an Illithid/Wisdom check.

How do you save Mirkon in BG3? ›

Saving Mirkon

Attacking the singing harpy gives you a chance to break her concentration, which would end her singing spell, so focus on her until Mirkon or your other party members are free from her trance. Once they're all defeated, speak to Mirkon to calm him down.

How do I rescue Imoen? ›

If you give 15,000 gold pieces to Bodhi, you will have to attack the Shadow Thieves to get the help for rescuing Imoen. If you give 15,000 gold to Gaelan, you will have to attack the vampires to get the help for rescuing Imoen. When you have made you choice go to either Bodhi or Gaelan.

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